Nora Murphy Johnson

Co-Founder and President at Inspire to Change

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Nora Murphy Johnson, PhD, is the President of Inspire to Change. She holds a PhD in Evaluation Studies from the University of Minnesota. Nora believes that all systems of people and institutions are connected and that all parts of the system need to be strong and healthy. Nora encourages clients and stakeholders to think outside of our boxes and disciplines and create a coherent shared vision for something greater than what exists now. Evaluation can be an integral part of working towards this vision. Nora works towards understanding (1) how principles-focused, developmental evaluation can be used for transformation towards a more whole, beautiful, and ist world, (2) ways to create a coherent and shared vision that allows for contextualized learning and adaptation, and (3) how to best engage people in useful evaluations that inform and inspire. Nora is best known for her publications “Nine guiding principles to help youth overcome homelessness: A principles-focused developmental evaluation” (Developmental Evaluation Exemplars, 2015) and “Connecting Individual and Societal Change” (Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2020)

At the School of System Change

Developmental Evaluation

"I'm excited to radically reimagine how systems care for people, moving away from systems of services that meet needs, to building networked communities that allow people to be & become, remember & create, learn & unlearn, and disrupt & liberate."
Nora Murphy Johnson