MEL in Systems Change

The School of System Change is seeking nominations to join a newly developed inquiry group focused on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in systems change.

The Inquiry Group

The School of System Change is launching an inquiry group (IG) on monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) in systems change to run through the 2023 year. We are keen to convene those specialising in MEL to contribute to this newly developed group that will meet quarterly and co-produce thought pieces on what is emerging in MEL in the field of systems change as well as bridge traditional MEL with complexity-informed developmental MEL. We aim to have 6 to 7 individuals from different diverse perspectives, training and sectors.

Some questions we might like to dive into as an inquiry group together as well as touch upon those harvested from the group during our initial conversations:

  • How might we undertake strategic learning and evaluation using a systemic approach?
  • How do we know change is happening? What are the indicators or signals of change?
  • How might we monitor changes in system dynamics and transformational shifts over time? How might we assess systems health?
  • How might we operationalise MEL frameworks in working rhythms including strategic planning and reporting cycles?
  • How might we measure impact or monitor contributions over long-time horizons?
  • How do we work in short and long time horizons?
  • How might we work across multiple levels of learning?
  • What are the tensions and challenges in the field of MEL in relation to current and systemic paradigms? How might we open up the conversation and support an appreciation of a different approach?

From this inquiry group, we aim to produce ~4 to 5 thought pieces as part of an ongoing series on what is emerging in MEL in the field of systems change. We also aim to integrate insights and inquiry group outputs into current work by the School in monitoring and evaluating impact and contribution in health systems transformation and across our wider work.

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The Opportunity

As an inquiry group member, you will be asked to commit to the following:

  • Attend three inquiry group meetings: 90-min meetings aiming for spring/before summer, late summer and mid-autumn this year; and to be scheuled within BST (GMT+1) business time zones.
  • Write one blog on a topic in MEL x systems change which can also be cross-posted with your own or your organisation's communication channels, including what MEL currently and might look like in your organisation. We would want these written pieces to connect to one another and harvest knowledge across the group.
  • Contribute to additional resource development or curation coming out of the IG discussions to take forward alongside other IG members (up to ~1 day of your time; any more the School can carve out a piece of work separate from IG commitment, if necessary).

The School is particularly seeking those to join this inquiry group with:

  • Knowledge, understanding and practice in impact and evaluation
  • Some experience applying MEL to sector / thematic challenges / large-scale change
  • Some background in systems change and working in systems

We are intentionally keeping the 'qualifications' broad as we would like to encourage those from different and diverse ways of knowing and working to express interest. We ask that you share how you have grounded your inquires in MEL and systems change in practice (i.e. through formal and informal training and learning, previous work experience and network engagement).

We are able to support each inquiry group member with a £1500 stipend to cover their time and effort to join us.

How to express interest

We ask that you express your interest in joining this inquiry group by Monday 8th May - nominating yourself or somebody else. We would be interested in setting up a short conversation to help us learn more about you and your interest in joining this group.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with the School team at [email protected]

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