Our Partners

We know that a high level of collaboration and coordination is essential if we are all to succeed in achieving systems change. As such, the School has and continues to develop in partnership with people, organisations and networks.

Our collaborative partners

The School works with facilitators and organisations in different geographies and thematic areas. We collaborate with them on delivering our open programmes and learning and practice partnerships.  We have a growing network of people that we are seeking to collaborate together to design, deliver and irrigate systems change learning to diverse spheres.

Meet our collaborative partners

Abdul Dube

Graphic Recorder/Facilitator at Visual Confidence

Abdul Dube is the co-founder of Visual Confidence, where two visual worlds come togethe...

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Laura Winn

Facilitator at the School of System Change
Facilitator, Contributor

Laura is a systems change learning facilitator and regenerative practitioner. She suppo...

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Payam Yuce Isik

Facilitator and Coach at Tribe - Dialogue Change Leadership
Facilitator, Contributor

Payam is an executive and team coach and a facilitator. Her work focuses on creating di...

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Ruslan Kildeev

EdTech Producer & Digital Facilitator

Ruslan Kildeev is an EdTech producer, sustainability geek, visual thinker, and digital ...

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Rodrigo Bautista

Design and Innovation Lead at Forum for the Future

Rodrigo Bautista is an award-winning designer from ICSID and AIGA and founder of 21st C...

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Jessica Conrad

Strategist, Facilitator, Coach

Working at the frontiers of positive change, Jessica supports purpose-driven people and...

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Marion Birnstill

Founder, Inner Ripple; Collaborative partner of the School of System Change

Marion's journey in philanthropy, social change, and partnership co-creation spans over...

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Zoya Lukyanova

Network partner at School of System Change

Zoya Lukyanova has been working in the field of social innovations, civil society, and ...

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Georgia Rubenstein

Lead System Change Designer US at Forum for the Future
Facilitator, Partner

Georgia leads Forum’s global system change coaching workstream, supporting organization...

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Lisa Gibson

Facilitator, Coach, Systems Change Consultant

Lisa Gibson is a transformative coach, facilitator and systems change consultant. With ...

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Corina Angheloiu

Strategist, Facilitator, Coach
Facilitator, Contributor

Corina helps teams, organisations, and initiatives dance with the complexities of the s...

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Sean Andrew

Learning and Practice Partner Lead at the School of System Change
Facilitator, Enabling Team

Sean is brought into his work through the potential of dialogue to unearth ways of bein...

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Louise Armstrong

Process doula, freelance systems change designer, facilitator and coach

Louise enables and supports those committed to living change. She plays multiple roles:...

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Jennifer Berman

Systems Convener, Facilitator, Coach

Jennifer is an experienced facilitator, coach and systems convener. Over the past twent...

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Anna Birney

CEO (Chief Enabling/Evolving Officer) at the School of System Change
Enabling Team, Facilitator

Anna is passionate about designing and facilitating systems change programmes that supp...

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Seanna Davidson

Founder and Director at The Systems School

Seanna is a systems practitioner, process designer, and educator in systems thinking an...

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Rachel Phillips

Co-founder & Principal Consultant at Edge Effects

Rachel is a systemic leadership, strategy and learning facilitator and coach, with over...

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Roberta Iley

Co-Associate Director for Practice & Program Impact at Forum for the Future

Roberta is an experienced facilitator of collaborative processes. She is passionate abo...

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Our learning and practice partners

The School accompanies organisations and initiatives that seek to cultivate systems change learning and implementation in their work. Working together to learn, support and keep momentum going within the teams and organisations. 

Meet our partners

Our founding and funding partners

Forum for the Future is the founding partner of the School of System Change. The School has been seeded, nurtured and grown within Forum for the Future since 2015. 

Seed funding was provided over the first five years in particular by two foundations with a strong focus on systems change at the time: Lankelly Chase in the UK and Garfield Foundation in the US. 

We now have core partnerships and funding with J&J Foundation, working in Health, Aviva Investors working in Finance and Cisco Foundation supporting us work in Climate and at the Core. 

Partnering networks

We participate, contribute and learn with networks as part of a wider ecosystem - from co-initiating Illuminate to bringing systems change learning to Bosch Alumni Network - in service of building fields of practice. 

Plus our contributors form a rich network of systems change practitioners with whom we develop our practice and evolve our offerings all the time.

We are looking for the next wave of partners for the School of System Change, if this speaks to you, discover how we might start working together!

aerial view river class school system change teacher

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