School of System Change in Finance

Supporting a movement of people in finance to catalyse transformative change towards a resilient, just and regenerative economy.

6 months



Join a movement for change

In the face of climate breakdown, biodiversity loss and rising inequalities, there is a need for deep transitions towards a resilient, just and regenerative economy. Finance is both part of the problem and a key part of the solution. 

Unless and until the financial system is realigned with the Paris Agreement targets and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it seems unlikely that those globally agreed targets will be realised. The consequences of this will not only be catastrophic for people and the planet but will significantly threaten the future of the financial system as we know it. Therefore, it is in the self-interest of those in the financial services sector to fulfil their duties as active stewards to uphold market integrity and to scrutinise the macro-environment, particularly the existing international financial architecture that shapes financial decision making so that it serves long-term resilience and prosperity for all.

Macro stewardship involves actively engaging governments, policymakers, regulators and supervisors of finance, as well as non-governmental organisations, academics and other key influencers to correct material market failures connected to sustainability issues. It involves using the latent influence of the finance sector on sustainability issues, going beyond change within individual organisations to build the enabling conditions that can deliver the Paris Agreement targets and the SDGs. It means changing the finance system and its underpinnings. This ambition depends on a sufficient number of banks and insurers and investors stepping up to drive change. It requires action on multiple levers and will depend on mobilisation of diverse change actors playing complementary roles. But financial sector players are not generally well-tooled in systems change and how to drive it. We will need to think differently, work with complexity and learn fast.

We want to catalyse a movement for change with the power to deliver this ambition, and we are inviting you to be part of it!

What you'll learn

We are inviting you to participate in the third cohort of the School of System Change in Finance, launched by Aviva Investors in partnership with Forum for the Future, School of System Change, and Edge Effects. With a cohort of other ambitious changemakers in finance, this is an opportunity to:

  • Develop your understanding of systems change and systems dynamics and how they apply to finance
  • Learn a selection of system change tools and frameworks, and practise applying them to complex macro finance challenges
  • Refine your own role as a changemaker, identifying where and how you and your organisation can exert influence for most impact
  • Meet amazing participants and guest speakers, and seed a movement with the power to make change possible
The first School of System Change in Finance cohort at an in-person/hybrid session


Facilitators will be shared shortly.


Is the course for me?

We are looking for inspired and ambitious leaders from across the finance system who are keen to contribute to wider change in the finance sector and to build their own capacity to drive deep change for sustainability. We seek a mixed cohort of players involved in finance -  from banking, investment, insurance, regulation, policy, or advisory.  

We expect you will have a strategic role with decision-making capacity within your organisation and professional context so that you are well placed to directly and promptly apply your learning, and to feasibly implement strategic changes and influence.

We assume a strong level of understanding of the finance system - you work in it or on it. And a good understanding of sustainability (defined broadly as social and environmental issues in today’s world), as we do not include any introduction or specific knowledge on this as part of the course. We expect that our participants will have varied backgrounds and contexts and this is fine (and in fact desired), while sharing a curiosity about how systems change and  ambition  to use your position to make a difference within the finance system.

You must have a strong command of the English language, written and spoken, to participate.

The first School of System Change in Finance cohort at an in-person/hybrid session

Equity & Diversity

We seek to create safe and brave spaces for participants from different backgrounds and lived experience to engage in learning together. We acknowledge the power and responsibility we hold in our role as a convenor and learning provider, placing multiple ways of knowing and awareness of difference as fundamental design principles in our programmes.

Read more about our commitment and journey around equity and difference here.

Accessibility needs

If you anticipate requiring additional support for your wellbeing, learning or access needs during the course, then please let the team know as soon as possible, so we can factor this into our session design. You can let us know in the application form or email us at [email protected]. We are happy to arrange a call to discuss how we can support your learning. The course producer will also be on hand throughout the course if you have any questions or concerns to raise. 

Date & Time

Course dates and times, as well as information session times, will be shared shortly. The course will start in early 2025.

Course Fees

Course fees will be shared shortly.


To express interest in joining the School of System Change in Finance course, please complete the following form. You will soon receive an email update with more information on how to apply when applications open.

Applications are expected to open in autumn 2024.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with the School team at [email protected].

Express interest

The School of System Change in Finance is a partnership between Aviva Investors, Forum for the Future, School of System Change, and Edge Effects.

Contact Us

Are you interested in speaking with one of our team to answer any specific questions you may have? Please use the button below or just shoot us an email at [email protected]. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Email us