Abiy Hiruye

Regional Program Coordinator

  • Alumni
  • Health


I am a public health specialist from Ethiopia where my work involves broader public health issues particularly the area of adolescent health in Ethiopia. I have a keen interest in evidence generation and its translation to inform policy and working across multiple sectors.


Where are you focusing your energy right now?

Adolescent responsive health system.

What stood out from your Basecamp Health experience?

The various tools and frameworks I was introduced to enabled me to deal with complexities in health issues that include working across sectors such as in adolescent health and communicable and non-communicable diseases.

How has your approach to your work changed?

I have frameworks and tools at my disposal to think and practise system thinking.

What's your current inquiry question about?

  • How can we effectively leverage the existing platform for communicable diseases for tackling non-communicable diseases?
  • How might we effectively work across sectors to effectively address adolescent health issues?