Aloise Gikunda

Program Manager, Amref Health Africa

  • Alumni
  • Health


Aloise Gikunda is a graduate of Jomo Kenyatta University with a Masters in Project Management and a degree in Biomedical Science and Technology from Egerton University, and is an Alumni of the School of System Change.

He is currently Proram Manager at Amref Health Africa in Kenya, with a mandate to institutionalize and professionalize community health services as a fundamental component of primary health care for delivery of universal health coverage in Kenya. He convenes the Community Health Units for Universal Health Coverage (CHU4UHC) platform in Kenya which has been playing a major role in ensuring remuneration, enumeration, equipping and supervision of Community Health Workers in Kenya.

Previously, Aloise worked as the Malaria and Child Health Coordinator at Population Services International with a mandate to protect children and pregnant women from malaria through distribution of long lasting insecticidal nets in Kenya, as well as leading other maternal and child health interventions. Aloise is married and a father of 2 sons.

Where are you focusing your energy right now?

Changing the system to be people-centered and appreciating the role played by CHWs in the country in the delivery of primary healthcare (PHC).

What stood out from your Basecamp Health experience?

In-depth diagnosis before rushing into solutions and being inquisitive in implementation thus leading to micro adaptations.

How has your approach to your work changed?

I appreciate the role that communities play in their health care as well as carrying out a proper diagnosis of the problem before designing a program using various tools.

What can people come to you to ask about?

Anything about Community Health and Primary Health care implementation.

What's your current inquiry question about?

How to change the view of different parts of the system in providing quality primary health care for the marginalized hard-to-reach counties in Kenya.

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