Glenda H. Eoyang

Founding Executive Director at Human Systems Dynamics Institute

  • Contributor


Glenda grew up in the Texas Panhandle and studied history and philosophy of science at St John's Collect in Santa Fe, New Mexico. After teaching physics and chemistry in high schools, she got interested in computer-based training and turned her attention to entrepreneurship. In the late 80s, either the world got too unpredictable or my management approach got too predictable. Searching for a new theory and practice to help her lead change, Glenda ran across nonlinear dynamics. In its many models and methods she found a praxis of Adaptive Action to see, understand, and influence change as it happens in turbulent environments: Human Systems Dynamics. The community of more than 1000 scholar-practitioners use HSD to tame wicked issues at all levels and in all domains of human decision making and action. Their vision is: People everywhere thrive because we see patterns clearly, seek to understand, and act with courage to transform turbulence and uncertainty into possibility for all.

At the School of System Change

Applied complexity, Leading in uncertainty, Human Systems Dynamics

"1. Those who have thought and talked about systems change for years are now ready to DO it. 2. Current tensions in climate, politics, social justice, and economics are driving systems change whether or not we are ready. We must get ready!"
Glenda H. Eoyang

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