Jonathan Munro
Associate Director for Criminal Justice & Care Navigation

Jonathan is currently Associate Director for Criminal Justice & Care Navigation for Rethink Mental Illness, a national mental health charity in the UK. He has over 20 years of experience working in Health and Justice environments, having worked in both operational and strategic roles. Responsible for numerous services throughout the UK operating in a diverse range of environments, collaboration and innovation are promoted to achieve a higher quality of life for the individuals accessing these services. Jonathan is passionate about working for sustainable, pragmatic, community-based solutions to improve health outcomes of all society's members.
At the School of System Change
In Jonathan's work with the School, he highlights examples of approaching community health issues from a different perspective and advocating the principle of generous leadership.
Where are you focusing your energy right now?
The enhancement of place-based mental health provision and the creation of communities that care.
What is your area of expertise?
- Delivery of services
- Engaging stakeholders
- Pragmatic solution-focused initiatives
- Proof of concept
How do you contribute to Basecamp for Health System Transformation?
I've presented on a mental health navigation pilot based in primary care implemented across the UK. Looking at the challenges of engaging 'the system', introducing new ways of working to 'the system' and an evaluation of the pilot's effectiveness.