Naja Skouw-Rasmussen

Innovation Lead, European Haemophilia Consortium

  • Alumni
  • Health


Naja Skouw-Rasmussen has a long-standing involvement in the bleeding disorder community with ten years of experience on the board of directors at the Danish Haemophilia Society (DHS). She served as member of the European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC) Steering Committee from 2016-2021 and was founding member and Chair of the EHC Women and Bleeding Disorder Committee from 2017-2021. She has played an active role in various projects like the Danish project on telemedicine, a youth project in India and, more recently, in developing the European Principles of Care for Girls and Women with a Bleeding Disorder.

Ms. Skouw-Rasmussen holds a Master of Science in Geography from the University of Copenhagen and a Master of Science in Development Studies from SOAS in London. She has worked with the civil society in the Danish National Council of Volunteering and managed professional networks for corporate leaders and managers.

Ms. Skouw-Rasmussen works as a consultant for the EHC driving the EHC Think Tank forward currently in the thematic areas of health data registries, patient agency, access equity and future care pathways. As a volunteer she is devoted to the women and bleeding disorder agenda and serves as patient representative at the EAHAD women and bleeding disorder working group, and work with the Danish Haemophilia Society.


Where are you focusing your energy right now?

Putting system change theories into practice in the healthcare sector. We are trying to position the patient organisation to be a platform that can invite all stakeholders to the table and discuss complex issues, and identify potential interventions that can improve the treatment and care for patients.

What stood out from your Basecamp Health experience?

That there are more like-minded people in the world than I expected. Working with complex issues requires a different language and other methods to actually work with a system.

How has your approach to your work changed?

I'm calmer about that things take time. I dare to go against the mainstream.

What can people come to you to ask about?

In particular, change issues in the healthcare sector. Not that I have the answer, but I really enjoy exploring this topic together.

What's your current inquiry question about?

  • How might we move from generic thinking to more specific action?
  • How do we maintain momentum and engagement of people in this new normal after covid, where the pace is high, the number of webinars and f2f conferences/meetings hasn't found a sustainable level?

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