Hosted by the School of System Change in 2023, the MEL inquiry group convened people specialising in monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) to produce thought pieces on what is emerging in MEL in the field of systems change, as well as bridge traditional MEL with complexity-informed developmental MEL.
If you are interested in joining a MEL changemaker group or staying updated about our work in this area, please express your interest.
Unearthing the inquiries
Anna Birney, CEO (Chief Enabling/Evolving Officer) at the School of System Change, introduces why we set out to convene a collective inquiry into monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) in the context of systemic practice and systems change, and unearths the inquiries and dilemmas explored in the group and following thought pieces.
Read the thought pieces
Transforming Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Systems: A Call to Action
By Yulye Jessica Romo Ramos
Jessica uses a systems change approach to better understand evaluation systems and name the lack of equity, diversity and inclusiveness (EDI) in evaluation; the need to decolonise evaluation and learning while expanding its current focus on indigenous people and international development; and the culture and leadership gap.
Making Visible the Hidden Parts of the System: Where Evaluation and Learning Practices Can Bring Value to Systems Change
By Jewlya Lynn
Jewlya details a case study of a learning framework supported by a funder and shares how the role of evaluation is to illuminate what is hidden in a system. This blog emphasises how systems change leaders within philanthropy and their many partners also find value in the learning framework and process, alongside evaluation.
Thank you to the six contributors who came together to explore inquiry questions and share their learnings through thought pieces.
Barbara Schmidt-Abbey
Co-chair of EES Thematic Working Group 8 ‘Systems approaches for evaluation’
Barbara is an evaluator and systems practitioner, with 35 years' professional and organ...
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If you are interested in joining a MEL changemaker group or staying updated about our work in this area, please express your interest.
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This work was supported by our partnership with the Johnson & Johnson Foundation, to help understand our own approach to MEL and to contribute to the field.